Taking advantage of donations made by de Vitry whilst he was serving in Rome, Hugo d’Oignies created the most impressive objects, such as this body-part or ‘speaking’ reliquary, so-called because its shape indicates the part of the body from which the relic came. The saint’s rib is enclosed in a rock crystal tube that sits in the middle of a silver semi-circle decorated with precious stones. An “authentication” parchment testifies that the work was made by Brother Hugo in 1238.
Reliquary of the rib of Saint Peter
Hugo d’Oignies (inscription on parchment)
Silver, gold, precious stones (pearls, garnets, beryls, topaz, etc.), intaglios, cameos, bronze, rock crystal
50.5 x 35 cm, ø 16 cm
Donated by the Sisters of Notre-Dame de Namur
Musée provincial des Arts anciens du Namurois-Trésor d'Oignies (TreM.a)
Inv. no. TO 05